
RL78/G15 FPB の tone()関数で和音 [Arduino]

RL78/G15 のレジスタを直接いじるの大変そう。PWM作るのにもe2stdioとかいうのを使ってやるみたい。

RL78G15 20ピン Fast Prototyping Board ピンリスト · renesas_Arduino Wiki · GitHub

2-7. Tone のところで、Tone output pinに指定できるのは、Arduino 0番, 3番, 13番の3つ。
3つ同時に使えるかと思ったら、3番, 13番を同時に使うのはダメで2和音まででした。


// RL78/G15 FPB tone function test
#include "notes2.h"                         // Definition data of notes ( pitch (scale & octave), and note value (length))
#define MAX_TRACK   2                       // Maximum number of tracks
const uint8_t  ToneOutputPin[] = { 0, 13 }; // two of 0,3,13 pins (No combination of 3 and 13)
const uint16_t F_SCALE[] = { 33488, 35479, 37589, 39824, 42192, 44701, 47359, 50175, 53159, 56320, 59669, 63217 };
                                            // basic frequency of 12-note scale (from C11 to B11)(Hz)
const uint16_t Frogs[] = {                  // melody data
  120 ,   0 ,
  c5q , d5q , e5q , f5q , e5q , d5q , c5q , RSq , e5q , f5q , g5q , a5q , g5q , f5q , e5q , RSq ,
  c5q , RSq , c5q , RSq , c5q , RSq , c5q , RSq , c5e , c5e , d5e , d5e , e5e , e5e , f5e , f5e ,
  e5q , d5q , c5q , RSq , RSd , RSd ,   0 ,
  RSd ,
  c5q , d5q , e5q , f5q , e5q , d5q , c5q , RSq , e5q , f5q , g5q , a5q , g5q , f5q , e5q , RSq ,
  c5q , RSq , c5q , RSq , c5q , RSq , c5q , RSq , c5e , c5e , d5e , d5e , e5e , e5e , f5e , f5e ,
  e5q , d5q , c5q , RSq , RSd ,   0 ,   0 };

void setup(){

void loop(){
  const uint16_t *d = Frogs;                // Pointer of melody data
  const uint16_t *p[MAX_TRACK];             // Pointer for each track of the score
  uint8_t  Tracks, t;                       // Number of tracks and counter
  uint16_t note;                            // Note (pitch + note value) information
  uint8_t  len[MAX_TRACK] = {};             // Length of note (how many 96th notes) (subtraction counter)
  uint32_t usInt, usExp;                    // sound division interval, sound expire time(usec)
  usInt = 1000000*60*4 / MIN_NOTE / *d++;   // Calculate standard 96th note length(usec) from tempo
  for( Tracks=0; Tracks<MAX_TRACK; ) {      // Get the number of tracks and the start position of each track from the song data
    if( *d++ != 0 ) continue;               // Skip until the break comes
    if( *d   == 0 ) break;                  // If two zeros follow, end of data
    p[ Tracks++ ] = d;                      // Get location in memory, Count up the number of tracks
  usExp = micros();
  do {                                      // Processing of score for each reference note(96th note) length
    for( t=0; t<Tracks; t++) {
      if( !len[t]-- ) {                     // Subtract the length of the note, and when it reaches 0, go to the next note
        if( !(note = *p[t]++) ) return;     // end if note = 0
        len[t]  = (note & 0x00ff) - 1;      // The lower 8 bits are the length of the note (how many times the length of a 96th note)
        if(note & 0xff00)                   // note(16bit) : Upper 4 bits are octave, next 4 bits are pitch class (0-11)
                tone( ToneOutputPin[t], F_SCALE[(note>>8)&0x0f] >> (11-(note>>12)), 0 ); 
        else  noTone( ToneOutputPin[t] );   // 0 for rests
    usExp += usInt;
    while( micros() < usExp );              // wait until expiration
  } while( note );
  for( t=0; t<Tracks; t++) noTone( ToneOutputPin[t] );  // stop all sounds


楽譜データの音符などは、notes2.h で。

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