
UNO R4で音楽演奏 [Arduino]

音楽演奏のスケッチをいろいろなバージョンで作ってきたけど、UNO R4でもやってみた。




// Uno R4 DAC Score Replay Sketch
#include "notes2.h"                     // note definition data (pitch(octave,scale) + length)
#define F_SAMP      50000               // sampling frequency (Hz) (divisor of 1,000,000 (usec))
#define MAX_TRACK   4                   // Maximum tracks
static uint16_t   SIN[256];             // array of sine wave
static uint16_t   OCT9[12];             // array subscript difference in the 9th octave
static const uint16_t Jesus[] = {       // J.S.Bach "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"
  125 , 0 ,
  b4e , g4e , a4e , b4e , d5e , c5e , c5e , e5e , d5e , d5e , g5e , F5e , g5e , d5e , b4e , g4e , a4e , b4e ,
  e4e , d5e , c5e , b4e , a4e , g4e , d4e , g4e , F4e , g4e , b4e , d5e , g5hd,                           0 ,
  d4q       , F4e , g4q       , F4e , g4q       , a4e , b4q       , a4e , b4q       , g4e , e4q       , g4e ,       
  a4q       , F4e , g4q       , e4e , a3q       , c4e , b3w ,                                             0 ,
  g3qd            , e3qd            , c3qd            , b2qd            , e3qd            , d3qd            ,
  c3qd            , C3qd            , d3qd            , g2w ,                                             0 , 0 };
void setup(){
  uint16_t  i;
  for(i=0; i<256; i++)  SIN[i]  = 16383.9 * (1 - cos(6.283185 * i / 256)) / 2;      // 14bit sine wave
  for(i=0; i< 12; i++)  OCT9[i] = (440 << 16) * pow(2, (i + 51) / 12.0) / F_SAMP;   // A4=440

void loop(){
  playR4( Jesus );

void playR4( const uint16_t *score ){ 
  uint8_t  Tracks = 0;                  // track count
  uint16_t note;                        // note (pitch(octave,scale) + length)
  uint16_t NoteCycle, n;                // reference note (96th note) cycle and its counter (n)
  uint16_t   p[MAX_TRACK];              // pointer for each track
  uint8_t  len[MAX_TRACK];              // note length (how many 96th notes)
  uint16_t   s[MAX_TRACK] = {0};        // waveform subscript  (s)  (x256)
  uint16_t  ds[MAX_TRACK] = {0};        //  and its difference (ds) (x256)
  uint16_t env[MAX_TRACK];              // sound envelope
  uint16_t atn = 0, Atn;                // attenuation counter and initial value
  // *** Preparing Scores ***
  Atn = 150 * F_SAMP / 1000 / 356;                  // attenuation half-life : 150 msec
  NoteCycle = F_SAMP *4*60 / score[0] / MIN_NOTE;   // reference note(96th note) cycles
  for( uint16_t i = 1; Tracks < MAX_TRACK; ) {      // Get track count and starting location
    if( score[i++] != 0 ) continue;     // Skip until 0 comes
    if( score[i]   == 0 ) break;        // If two 0s follow, end of data
    len[ Tracks ] = 1;                  // note length subtraction counter to 1
    p[ Tracks++ ] = i;                  // Get location in memory, Count up the tracks
  // *** Playback ***
  n = Tracks;                           // To play immediately after the loop starts
  uint32_t  usInt = 1000000 / F_SAMP;   // sampling time interval(usec)
  uint32_t  usPre = micros();           // sampling time previous value(usec)
  do {
    if( --n < Tracks ) {                // Processing of score for each reference note length
      if( !--len[n] ) {
        note   = score[ p[n]++ ];
        len[n] = note & 0x00ff;         // The lower 8 bits are note length (Multiples of 96th notes)
        if( note & 0xff00 ) {           // If not a rest... (Leave a lingering sound even with rests)
           ds[n] = OCT9[ (note>>8) & 0x0f ] >> (9 - (note>>12));    // increment subscript (x256)
            s[n] = 0;                   // start of waveform cycle
          env[n] = 0xffff;              // the maximum amplitude initially
      if( !n ) n = NoteCycle;
    switch( Tracks ) {                  // Change output by number of tracks
      case 1: analogWrite( DAC, ( SIN[ (s[0]+=ds[0])>>8 ] * env[0] ) >> 18 );  // 14x16=30bit >> 18 = 12bit
      case 2: analogWrite( DAC, ( SIN[ (s[0]+=ds[0])>>8 ] * env[0]
                                + SIN[ (s[1]+=ds[1])>>8 ] * env[1] ) >> 19 );  // 30/30(31bit)
      case 3: analogWrite( DAC, ( SIN[ (s[0]+=ds[0])>>8 ] * env[0]
                                + SIN[ (s[1]+=ds[1])>>8 ] * env[1]
                                + SIN[ (s[2]+=ds[2])>>8 ] * env[2] ) >> 20 );  // 30/30/30(31.5bit)
      case 4: analogWrite( DAC, ( SIN[ (s[0]+=ds[0])>>8 ] * env[0]
                                + SIN[ (s[1]+=ds[1])>>8 ] * env[1]
                                + SIN[ (s[2]+=ds[2])>>8 ] * env[2]
                                + SIN[ (s[3]+=ds[3])>>8 ] * env[3] ) >> 20 );  // 30/30/30/30(32bit)
    if( !atn-- )            atn   = Atn;            // subtract attenuation counter
    if(  atn < Tracks ) env[atn] -= (env[atn]>>9);  // amplitude attenuation
    while( micros() - usPre < usInt );              // wait for next cycle
    usPre += usInt;
  } while( note );                      // Exit if note data is 0
  analogWrite( DAC, 0 );                // Set output to 0

nice!(0)  コメント(0) 

nice! 0

コメント 0

