
Digisparkで音楽演奏【PLL OC1A編】 [Arduino]

ボードマネージャは、ATTinyCore でも Digistump AVR Boards でも行けるようにしてみた。


//  Digispark version Score Replay Sketch
//    Clock : 16.5/16/8 MHz, PLL : 66/64 MHz
#include "notes2.h"                     // Definition data of notes ( pitch (scale & octave), and note value (length))
#include "Kewpie3min.h"                 // "The Parade of the Tin Soldiers" by Leon Jessel
#define MAX_TRACK   4                   // Maximum number of tracks

// Number of cycles that are the wavelength of the basic 12-note scale (from C0 to B0) (@ 8 MHz, with an interrupt every 256 clocks)
static const uint16_t CYC_SCALE[] = { 1911, 1804, 1703, 1607, 1517, 1432, 1351, 1276, 1204, 1136, 1073, 1012 };

void setup(){
  pinMode( 1, OUTPUT );                 // Audio output (PB1,OC1A)
  pinMode( 0, INPUT_PULLUP );           // Switch       (PB0)
  // *** Register Settings (Timer1, for DAC)  *** PLL 64MHz, No prescaling. 8bit=256clock to make PWM, so 250kHz. 
  TIMSK  &= ~_BV(TOIE1);        // TIMSK(T/C Interrupt Mask Register)      - TOIE1(T/C1 Overflow Interrupt Enable) CLEAR : Disable ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) (for Digistump AVR Boards)
  PLLCSR |=  _BV(PCKE);         // PLLCSR(PLL Control and Status Register) - PCKE(PCK Enable) SET : PCK clock(fast 64 MHz) is used as T/C1 clock source
  TCCR1   = B01100001;          // TCCR1(T/C1 Control Register) : PWM A Enable. OC1A cleared on compare match. OC1A not connected. No prescale
  OCR1A   = 0;                  // OCR1A(T/C1 Output Compare RegisterA) : Set output to 0
  OCR1C   = 255;                // OCR1C(T/C1 Output Compare RegisterC) : Set upper limit to 255
  // *** Register Settings (Timer0, for Data) *** Data processing interval 31.25kHz(256clk@8MHz or 512clk@16MHz)
  TIMSK  &= ~_BV(TOIE0);        // TIMSK(T/C Interrupt Mask Register)      - TOIE0(T/C0 Overflow Interrupt Enable) CLEAR : Disable ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) (for ATTinyCore)
  TCCR0A  = B00000011;          // TCCR0A(T/C0 Control Register A) :  OC0A/OC0B disconnected, Fast PWM
  TCCR0B  = B01001010;          // TCCR0B(T/C0 Control Register B) :  Fast PWM, TOP:OCR0A, clk/8 (From prescaler)
  OCR0A   = F_CPU / 250000;     // OCR0A (T/C0 Output Compare A Register) : TOP 8MHz:32, 16MHz:64, 16.5MHz:66

void loop(){
  while(  digitalRead(0) );             // Wait until the switch is pressed
  while( !digitalRead(0) );             // Wait until the switch is released
  playDsPLL( Kewpie3min );              // Playback

void playDsPLL(const uint16_t *d){      // Digispark PLL version (16.5/16/8 MHz support)
  uint8_t  Tracks;                      // Number of tracks
  const uint16_t *NoteP[MAX_TRACK];     // Pointer for each track of the score
  uint16_t NoteCycle, n;                // Number of interrupt cycles required for the length of the reference note (96th note) and its counter (n)
  uint16_t note;                        // Note (pitch + note value) information read from PROGMEM
  uint8_t  len[MAX_TRACK];              // Length of note (how many 96th notes) (subtraction counter)
  uint16_t cyc[MAX_TRACK], c[MAX_TRACK];// Number of interrupt cycles (cyc) required for one sound wavelength cycle and its counter (c)
  uint16_t env[MAX_TRACK];              // Sound amplitude (envelope)
  uint16_t out[MAX_TRACK];              // Output value
  uint8_t  lap = 20;                    // Sound transitional cycles(laptime) (for Attenuation calculator)

  // *** Preparing Scores ***
  NoteCycle = 8000000 / 256 *4*60 / pgm_read_word_near(d++) / MIN_NOTE; // Number of cycles required for reference note
  for( Tracks = 0; Tracks < MAX_TRACK; ) {              // Get the number of tracks and the start position of each track from the song data
    if( pgm_read_word_near(d++) != 0 ) continue;        // Skip until the break comes
    if( pgm_read_word_near(d)   == 0 ) break;           // If two zeros follow, end of data
    len[ Tracks ] = 1;                                  // Initialize the note length subtraction counter to the remaining 1
    NoteP[ Tracks++ ] = d;                              // Get location in memory, Count up the number of tracks
  n = Tracks;                           // Initialize the score processing so that it can be performed immediately after the start of the do loop

  // *** Playback ***
  do {
    // * Processing Scores *
    if( --n < Tracks ) {                // Processing of score for each reference note length
      if( !--len[n] ) {
        note   = pgm_read_word_near( NoteP[n]++ );
        len[n] = (uint8_t) note;        // The lower 8 bits are the length of the note (how many times the length of a 96th note)
        cyc[n] = (note>>8) ? CYC_SCALE[ (note>>8) & 0xf ] >> (note>>12) : 0;    // Upper 4 bits are octave, next 4 bits are pitch class (0-11), 0 for rests
          c[n] = 0;                     // Initialize the counter for the number of cycles to create one square wave cycle
        env[n] = 0xffff;                // Initially, the maximum amplitude
      if( !n ) n = NoteCycle;
    // * Waveform Processing / Output *
    switch( Tracks ) {                  // Create output data, Square wave with duty ratio of 1:1
      case 4:   out[3] = ( ( c[3] = (++c[3]==cyc[3]) ? 0 : c[3] ) < (cyc[3]>>1) ) ? env[3] : 0;   [[fallthrough]];
      case 3:   out[2] = ( ( c[2] = (++c[2]==cyc[2]) ? 0 : c[2] ) < (cyc[2]>>1) ) ? env[2] : 0;   [[fallthrough]];
      case 2:   out[1] = ( ( c[1] = (++c[1]==cyc[1]) ? 0 : c[1] ) < (cyc[1]>>1) ) ? env[1] : 0;   [[fallthrough]];
      case 1:   out[0] = ( ( c[0] = (++c[0]==cyc[0]) ? 0 : c[0] ) < (cyc[0]>>1) ) ? env[0] : 0;
    switch( Tracks ) {                  // OC1A(ATtiny85:PB1) Change output by number of tracks
      case 1:   OCR1A =   out[0] >>8;                                   break;
      case 2:   OCR1A = ((out[0]>>1) + (out[1]>>1)) >>8;                break;
      case 3:   OCR1A = ((out[0]>>1) + (out[1]>>2) + (out[2]>>2)) >>8;  break;
      case 4:   OCR1A = ((out[0]>>2) + (out[1]>>2) + (out[2]>>2) + (out[3]>>2)) >>8;
    switch( --lap ) {                   // Amplitude attenuation (Distribute processing per loop)
      case 4:   env[3] -= (env[3]>>9);    break;
      case 3:   env[2] -= (env[2]>>9);    break;
      case 2:   env[1] -= (env[1]>>9);    break;
      case 1:   env[0] -= (env[0]>>9);    break;
      case 0:   lap = 20;               // every 640usec(32usec*20) @16MHz (Adjustable)
    while( !(TIFR & _BV(TOV0)) );       // Waiting for Timer0 overflow (every 32usec)
    TIFR |= _BV(TOV0);                  // Clear T/C0 Overflow Flag
  //if( ! digitalRead(0) ) break;       // Ends when PB0 is pressed.
    if( !(PINB & _BV(0)) ) break;       // Ends when PB0 is pressed.
  } while( note );                      // Exit if note data is 0
  OCR1A = 0;                            // Set output to 0

タグ:Digispark 音楽 PLL
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Digisparkで音楽演奏【楽譜サンプル】 [Arduino]

static const uint16_t Kewpie3min[] PROGMEM = {  // "The Parade of the Tin Soldiers" by Leon Jessel
  168, 0 ,
  RSe , g5s , g5s , g5e , g5e , e5e , e5e , f5q , RSe , g5s , g5s , g5e , g5e , C5e , C5e , d5q , RSe , g5s , g5s , g5h , d5h , g4h , RSq , g5e , g5s , g5s ,
  e5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , RSe , g5s , g5s , f5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , RSe , g5s , g5s , e5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , b5e , RSe , a5e , RSe , g5e , F5e , f5e , e5e , d5e , RSe , RSe , g5s , g5s ,
  e5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , RSe , g5s , g5s , d5e , RSe , b5e , RSe , b5e , RSe , RSe , a5s , a5s , a5e , RSe , a5e , RSe , d6e , RSe , d6e , RSe , g5q , g5s , G5s , a5s , A5s , b5e , g5e , a5e , g5e ,
  e5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , e5e , g5e , RSe , g5e , f5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , f5e , g5e , RSe , g5e , e5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , b5e , RSe  ,a5e , RSe , g5e , F5e , f5e , e5e , d5e , RSe , RSe , g5s , g5s ,
  e5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , g5e , RSe , RSe , g5s , g5s , f5e , RSe , a5e , RSe , a5e , RSe , c6e , RSe , e6e , RSe , RSq , d6e , RSe , RSq ,
//c6e , RSe , g5e , RSe , c6e , RSe , RSq ,                     // OP
  c6e , g5s , G5s , a5s , A5s , b5e , c6e , RSe , c4q ,         // ED  
  RSq , RSq , C5e , C5e , d5q , RSq , RSq , A4e , A4e , b4q , RSq , RSe , F5h , c5h , RSe , g5h , RSq ,
  RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e ,
  RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , b3e , RSe , b3e , RSe , b3e , RSe , b3e , RSe , a3e , RSe , a3e , RSe , a3e , RSe , a3e , g3q , RSq , RSh ,
  RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e ,
  RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , a3e , RSe , a3e , RSe , a3e , RSe , a3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e ,
//RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , g3e , RSe , RSq ,                     // OP
  g3e , RSe , RSq , c4e , RSe , c3q ,                           // ED
  RSq , RSw , RSw , RSe , RSe , f5h , b4h , RSq , g4h ,
  RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e ,
  RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , g3e , RSe , F3e , RSe , F3e , RSe , F3e , RSe , F3e , RSw ,
  RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e ,
  RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , e3e , RSe , d3e , RSe , f3e , RSe , f3e ,
//RSe , e3e , RSe , e3e , e3e , RSe , RSq ,                     // OP
  e3e , RSe , RSq , RSe , RSe , c2q ,                           // ED
  RSq , RSw , RSw , RSe , RSe , RSe , e5h , a4h , RSe , RSh ,
  c3q , g2q , c2q , g2q , d2q , g2q , d2q , g2q , c3q , g2q , c2q , g2q , d2q , g2q , d2q , g2q ,
  c3q , g2q , c2q , g2q , d2q , g2q , d2q , g2q , a2q , d2q , F2q , d2q , g2q , RSq , RSh ,
  c3q , g2q , c3q , c3q , g2q , d2q , g2q , g2q , c3q , g2q , c3q , c3q , g2q , d2q , g2q , g2q ,
  c3q , g2q , c3q , c3q , f2q , c2q , f2q , f2q , c3q , g2q , d2q , g2q ,
//c3q , g2q , c3q , RSq ,                                       // OP
  c3e , RSe , RSq , RSq , RSq ,                                 // ED
  0, 0 };

タグ:楽譜 音楽
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Digisparkで音楽演奏【楽譜編】 [JavaScript]

以前につくった notes.h ですが、やっぱり楽譜から入力しづらい。大文字が多いこととアンダーバー('_')が入力しにくさの原因ではないかと考えました。

  • 音の高さ(音高、ピッチ)は、周波数(Hz)等ではなく、音階とオクターブで表す
  • 音の長さ(音価)は基準の最小音符の何倍かで表す
  • 一音で2byte(16bit)使用する
    • 上位8bitが音の高さ(音高)
      • 0xooの時は休符
      • 上位4ビットがオクターブ
        • 0-9まで
      • 次の4ビットが音階・スケール(ド~シの12音階で0-11)
        • 音名は、英語でCDEFGAB
        • 入力簡便化のため小文字とし、半音上げる際は大文字を使用
          • 'c','C','d','D','e','f','F','g','G','a','A','b'
        • 半音下げるのは、一音下げてから半音あげる対応で   
      • MIDIノート番号でいうとNo.13(C#0)~127(G9)まで網羅
      • C0は休符用に使用, A9, A#9, B9はMIDI番号にもないため除く
      • 音階とオクターブを分けることで12個の基本音階情報からシフト演算を用いて容易に算出できる
    • 下位8ビットが音の長さ(音価)
      • 96分音符を最小単位の1とする
        • 1-255までに各種音符の長さを入れるとすると32分音符(3)から倍全音符(192)まで入れることができる
        • 3連符には対応できるよう通常の音符は3の倍数
      • 音符の長さの表記は、英語訳の頭文字
        • 32分音符 thirty-second note
        • 16分音符 sixteenth note
        • 8分音符 eighth note
        • 4分音符 quarter note
        • 2分音符 half note
        • 全音符 whole note (breve)
        • 倍全音符 double whole note (longa)
        • 4倍全音符 4x whole note (maxima)
      • 入力簡便化のため小文字を使用する
      • 付点音符はさらに'd' (dotted) を付ける
      • 3連符用に三分の一の長さ(one third)には't'を付ける
        • 本来は3連符は3等分する前の音符の半分の長さの音符で書かれる   
      • タイによる音符の結合は、休符(長さ情報のみでできている)を加算することで可能
  • 楽譜としては、音符となるunsigned int(2byte)の情報を配列に羅列する
    • 先頭は、テンポ(♩=1~65535)を入れて、次に0で区切る
    • 1トラック内に和音は置けないため、必要な和音の分だけトラックを使用する
    • 各トラック内の終わりは0とし、つづけて次のトラック情報に入る
    • すべてのトラック情報のあとにさらに0を入れて楽譜データ終了とする


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Musical notes 2</title>
// *** twelve-tone scale ***
//   capital letter : raise a semitone. (e.g. C means C#)
const twelveTone = ['c','C','d','D','e','f','F','g','G','a','A','b'];

// *** note value (sound length) ***
const noteValue  = [
  { note: 't' , value:   3 },   // thirty-second note
  { note: 's' , value:   6 },   // sixteenth note
  { note: 'e' , value:  12 },   // eighth note
  { note: 'q' , value:  24 },   // quarter note
  { note: 'h' , value:  48 },   // half note
  { note: 'w' , value:  96 },   // whole note (breve)
  { note: 'd' , value: 192 },   // double whole note (longa)

  { note: 'sd', value:   9 },   // dotted sixteenth note
  { note: 'ed', value:  18 },   // dotted eighth note
  { note: 'qd', value:  36 },   // dotted quarter note
  { note: 'hd', value:  72 },   // dotted half note
  { note: 'wd', value: 144 },   // dotted whole note (breve)

  { note: 'tt', value:   1 },   // 1/3 of a 32nd note
  { note: 'st', value:   2 },   // 1/3 of a 16th note
  { note: 'et', value:   4 },   // 1/3 of an eighth note
  { note: 'qt', value:   8 },   // 1/3 of a quarter note
  { note: 'ht', value:  16 },   // 1/3 of a half note
  { note: 'wt', value:  32 },   // 1/3 of a whole note (breve)
  { note: 'dt', value:  64 },   // 1/3 of a double whole note (longa)
  { note: 'mt', value: 128 },   // 1/3 of a 4x whole note (maxima)

$ = function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }

function notes() {
    let  octave, scale;
    $('main').value  = $('explanation').value;
    $('main').value += '#define MIN_NOTE  96    // 96th note (reference note)\n';
    $('main').value += '\n// Rests of various lengths (rests are just Length, so it is also for connection by Tie)\n';
    for( let nv of noteValue ) $('main').value += '#define RS' + (nv.note + '   ').slice(0,2)  + "   "  + ('   ' + nv.value).slice(-3) + '\n';
    $('main').value += '\n// combination of pitch and length\n';
    for( octave = 0; octave < 10; octave++ ) {
        for( scale = 0; scale < 12; scale++ ) {
            if( octave == 0 && scale == 0) continue;
            if( octave == 9 && scale >  8) continue;
            for( let nv of noteValue ) {
                $('main').value += '#define ' + twelveTone[scale] + octave +  (nv.note + '  ').slice(0,2)
                                +  '   (0x' + octave + scale.toString(16) + '00 | ' +  ('   ' + nv.value).slice(-3) + ')\n';
    $('main').style.display  = 'block';
    $('dlBtn').style.display = 'inline';

function downloadText(fileName) {
  const blob = new Blob([$('main').value], { type: 'text/plain' });
  const aTag = document.createElement('a');
  aTag.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = '_blank'; = fileName;;
<h1>Musical notes 2</h1>
<p>Creates musical score and note information that is easy to process with a microcomputer.
<button onClick="notes()">Create a note definition data</button>
<button onClick="downloadText('note2.h')" style="display:none;" id="dlBtn">Download the header file</button>
<textarea id="explanation" disabled style="display:none;">
// ****************************************************************
//  notes2.h
// ****************************************************************
//   upper 8 bits   : pitch of a sound (0x00 : rest)
//     upper 4 bits : octaves  [0-9]
//     next  4 bits : 12 tone scale (C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#,A,A#,B)
//                      ['c','C','d','D','e','f','F','g','G','a','A','b']
//   lower 8 bits   : length of the sound 
//                      Let the 96th note be 1
//                      't'  =   3   thirty-second note
//                      's'  =   6   sixteenth note
//                      'e'  =  12   eighth note
//                      'q'  =  24   quarter note
//                      'h'  =  48   half note
//                      'w'  =  96   whole note (breve)
//                      'd'  = 192   double whole note (longa)
//                      'sd' =   9   dotted sixteenth note
//                      'ed' =  18   dotted eighth note
//                      'qd' =  36   dotted quarter note
//                      'hd' =  72   dotted half note
//                      'wd' = 144   dotted whole note (breve)
//                      'tt' =   1   1/3 of a 32nd note
//                      'st' =   2   1/3 of a 16th note
//                      'et' =   4   1/3 of an eighth note
//                      'qt' =   8   1/3 of a quarter note
//                      'ht' =  16   1/3 of a half note
//                      'wt' =  32   1/3 of a whole note (breve)
//                      'dt' =  64   1/3 of a double whole note (longa)
//                      'mt' = 128   1/3 of a 4x whole note (maxima)
// ****************************************************************

<textarea id="main" style="display:none; width:90%; height: calc( 1.2em * 25 );  line-height: 1.2;"></textarea>

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